Ohio CSB Buzz
From Dale Kinkade
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Exemplary Service through Ohio Brigade Camp
This year we celebrate 80 years since Joe Coughlin and the young Frontiersmen of Christain Service Brigade started Brigade camp in Ohio. God has forged this ministry through the talent of many great leaders throughout our history. Each leader has faithfully passed the torch to the next generation. Dave will be stepping out of a central leadership position after serving twelve years as camp director and two years as ministry director. He has the distinction of longest serving director in the 80-year history of Brigade camp in Ohio!
Dave Buncher’s leadership and big presence has helped set an exciting atmosphere of ministry at Brigade Camp for fourteen years. Several generations of junior counselors and collegiates have matured and flourished in their knowledge and practice of worship, skit presentation, and spiritual focus under Dave’s leadership.
Dave’s absence in a central leadership position will create a large hole to be filled. Pray that our camp director and program director, as well as collegiates, junior counselors, and volunteer staff will be endowed with vision and confidence from the Holy Spirit to fill the ministry atmosphere that Pastor Dave infused with passion. CSB exists to equip lay leaders to carry out God’s call in these areas. We trust God will use camp to grow our next generation of leaders into the tools He desires as they carry out His ministry at Ohio Brigade Camp.
We pray Dave will continue to be blessed and be a great blessing in his ministry at Cross of Hope Church (Parma Hts. Baptist). He continues in his role on the Stony Glen Board, and we trust he will not be a stranger to Brigade Camp in the years to come.
Monday, January 27, 2025
New Tree Climbers Materials released: CHESS
Tree Climbers is designed for dads or other mentors of first and second grade boys. As you may know, I have been leading the redevelopment of these materials.
CHESS, the second installment of the new Tree Climbers Guild materials is now available! It follows on the heels of our successful test module on Birds, which included a terrific birdhouse project.
CHESS is designed to help mentors engage very young boys in the world of chess and in learning about serving the King, the creator of all things, through the Bible and exciting original stories.
Are you a father of a young boy? I would like to encourage you to give it a try. You can do this on your own with your son or multiply the fun by inviting a couple of friends who have young sons as well. It is a short commitment of meeting four time to have fun, build relationships, and learn valuable life skills.
You can get your copy of Chess here.
In His Service and Yours,
Dale Kinkade
2025 Ohio Battalion Klondike Derby
It was great to have Cross of Hope Church (Parma Heights Baptist) back after more than a decade to join Hope GMC, Portage Community, Goss, Huntsburg, and North-Mar in friendly competition.
Our Brigade Representative, Dale Kinkade, spoke about how he will never look at a saw the same way again after recently gained insights into how to sharpen crosscut saws. He used this to build an analogy about looking at our own lives and our world differently through discovering the truth of God's word. He gave examples of some of those truths, especially from the book of Genesis which was the focus book of the Bible quiz.
All teams exhibited great strength despite the weather, and even smaller teams were competitive in many of the events.
All teams competed in memory verses, Bible quiz, knots, fire building, winter survival, orienteering, axe throwing, log saw, biathlon, and sled race.
Congratulations to North-Mar C&MA, Battalion #1180, who took top honors.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
2024 Father and Son Winter Getaway
Monday, August 26, 2024
Portage Community Chapel 8090 Represents at the Portage County Fair
Portage Community Chapel took the opportunity to display at the Portage County Fair last week, representing their Brigade unit and inviting people to join. They did a great job, and I had a few people take notice and send me pictures of the display. Thank you, PCC, for equipping men to disciple the next generation through CSB and for representing well at the Portage County Fair. May the Lord continue to work though you as you equip men to disciple boys and young men toward Christ and biblical worldview; to come to Christ and to live for Him through all they do.
Monday, August 19, 2024
And Now... Grandpa
will forgo purchasing a recliner for the time being. Grandma Jennifer is as proud as a momma grand-bear and takes great joy in "baby holding time."
Pray for Madelyn and Joshua as they step into their new role as mom and dad. It took about a week for them to return to as normal as life will be for the next 18+ years. They are doing a great job already!
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Ohio Brigade Camp 2024 in the books!
Thank you for your prayer, support, and participation in Ohio Brigade Camp 2024! Another powerful season of ministry in now a part of our exciting history.
Ohio Brigade Camp 2024 served 419 campers over a 3 1/2-week period. They were served by 85 Sr. Staff, 11 Junior Counselors and 16 Service Crew over that 3 1/2-week period. We recorded 4 first-time decisions to follow Christ, 5 rededications, and 22 who came to leaders for prayer for special issues. We know there were other decisions which were not recorded.
A highlight, from my perspective as the Regional Director
for Christian Service Brigade, is the stellar development of our junior leaders
- our Junior Counselors ages 15-18. One of our primary objectives is for
Brigade camp to be a tool to help raise up the next generation of leaders for
the church. The Lord blessed us with a group of 11 quality young men, and the
senior leadership team has stepped up to the plate to train up these young men
for service. The growth and service of these 11 young men was outstanding. I'm really excited about the vision of our
director, Greg Seifert, and our leadership team in this important area or
raising up our next generation. I'm excited about how the Lord is using Brigade
Camp to help young men become the men God has called them to be in leading in
their families, in the church, and in
their communities!
The success of Ohio Brigade Camp belongs to the Lord and to those who allow God to work through them as they serve. Recently Greg Seifert, our camp director, mentioned, "... the outstanding adult men and women that help us at camp. Many of these people have been serving for years, some even decades. Watching the men leading our Bible-studies, watching over their daily activities, teach them crafts or skills, and probably not sleeping very much is a true privilege to see. I am humbled by the dedication and commitment that our senior counselors give to the campers, all the way from our small daughters to our high school seniors. I would be remiss if I didn’t specifically mention our women volunteers: without them our very successful father-daughter camp simply couldn’t exist. They are amazing and awesome!"
"There are many aspects to running a summer camp, ranging from the mundane and selfless to the glorious. As I guided and watched camp progress, my heart grew ever more in love with our mission."
"Our Lord’s work is indeed being accomplished...!"
Well said Greg! Thank you all, and praise the Lord!